The woman, if the chastity belt is properly adjusted, cannot masturbate and vaginal penetration is impossible. She can at most manage to slide her fingers over her sex to scratch herself.
The man, if the chastity belt is well adjusted, cannot touch his penis or masturbate. At most, he can slide his fingers over his testicles to scratch them.
For both men and women, sodomy under chastity belt is possible under three conditions:
A) depending on the model (thong type or not)
B) depending on the position in which the person is.
C) if the belt is not equipped with an anal plug
For an absolute safety, it is necessary to make one to measure and to go to the manufacturer but the budgets turn around 1000 euros without the displacements.
Going to the toilet with a chastity belt
- Sitting on a toilet is de rigueur for men. (As for the cages)
- For peeing, there is only one concern, you need to allow a little time to dry or provide an absorbent protection for the panties because of the drops.
- To go to the bowel movement it's more complicated..... even with the open models between the buttocks. It is impossible with a plug, and a catastrophe with a closed model like a thong which will impose a regular and controlled schedule for opening.
Hygiene under a chastity belt
Without withdrawal, there is only one solution, a long shower. Removing the shower head to have a pressurized jet is very useful. Air dry or blow dry.
The breast chastity belt
Here again, to be effective, taking the time to adjust is important. Once fitted and locked, access to the nipples is almost impossible or delicate.
Chastity belt sets for sex + chest + accessories
The accessories such as thigh and wrist bracelets have only a BDSM purpose in the sense of restraints. They complete the visual of a person under chastity belt.
How long can a person stay under chastity belt?
The better it is adjusted, the longer it can be worn as long as there is no concern about irritation from rubbing on the skin. It is reasonable to plan for 24 hours to start before getting to 7/7 for a week. Without health concerns and irritation, a chastity device can be worn for a month without problems.
Menstruation of women with chastity belts
This is a problem if a period tampon is used. In this case, the key holder must be present several times a day. Another solution exists in case of absence of Master or Mistress: wearing a diaper for light incontinence + ...... showers.
The mouse keys of a chastity belt are fragile
If you bend one of them, have a duplicate made immediately. If you can't find a dealer who can make it for you, contact us, we should be able to help you out.
What are the effects and the pleasure of a chastity belt?
- The pleasure of belonging
- The pleasure of surrendering your sexuality to a dominant person
- The abstinence imposed under a chastity belt generates crazy desires of ....
- Worn for a week non-stop, the person comes to caress it so much she has physical and psychological needs.
- The belt has the same sentimental value as a submission collar.
- The chastity belt increases the desires tenfold for several reasons, if only because the object touches this part of the anatomy:
The advice of to the holders (trices) of the keys of a chastity belt
As previously mentioned, the chastity belt has the same sentimental value as a submission collar. It is therefore appropriate to play with it to emphasize the belonging and generate excitement. Pushed to its maximum, the excitement makes you crazy. (of love too)
Some sadistic ideas but so perverse that they become pleasant.
- Caressing the body of the person, telling him that you would like to .... (After 2/3 days of chastity it is hot hot)
- To be masturbated or cuddled (Very psychological)
- Put a vibrator on your belt. (It is very sadistic)
- Hugging and running your hand over his sex except there is the belt between you.
- For men under chastity belt, put a dildo on top to cuddle or not. (This is also very sadistic)
- For the followers of libertinism and BDSM, to indicate to his submissive " I am going to see my lover / my mistress " is hard......
- Go to a libertine club and leave him or her at the bar while you go for a walk...
- Show his or her chastity belt and give the keys to the friend who came for a drink. (Even if he or she puts them in your mailbox when leaving)
- Hinder his or her hands to wash him or her. Even if he or she can't cheat in your presence, washing him or her and putting the belt back on is a very strong psychological act. (I love it but your webmaster is a bit sadistic)