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How a woman gets kinky with a chastity cage 1/2

Photo du rédacteur: PierrePierre

When my husband talked to me about submission games and the chastity cage, I wondered if he was okay. The discussion was stormy, I got a little carried away despite his explanations about living our fantasies, that we can play roles to spice up our lives, on..... My life was going well, I didn't see what was wrong with our relationship, nor with him, because I am not shy in bed. That day, I admit that I was mean and hurt him. When he looked sad, I understood that I had gone too far in my slander. It is true that when I get carried away, my words can be very hurtful and sarcastic. The rest of the evening was tense and so was the weekend. I was afraid I had broken something between us. On Monday, being on a forced vacation, I took the time to read up on the matter via the internet. It did not really excite me, but I understood that for some men this sextoy could have a great importance. Yes but, why my husband? Since on Monday night he still seemed affected by the discussion, I went back to the subject. He brushed it off by telling me that it had only been a momentary fantasy and that he shouldn't have told me about it. This tension felt like regret, shame, he looked down and tried to deflect the conversation. I blamed myself because I could have at least listened to him when he decided to tell me about it with his heart.

This realization, and the regret that went with it for hurting him, led me to buy a chastity cage from an online store. Two months later, on his birthday, after the friends had left, as we went to bed, I told him there was a gift under his pillow. On his face, I read joy but also shame, this shame made me very sad. He didn't know what to say. He said thank you and then put the chastity cage on the nightstand and went to bed. I told him something like, "When you give me a piece of jewelry or a dress, I'll put it on or try it on. Please put it on. He was horribly embarrassed. I had to grab the cage and put it in his hands and tell him I wanted to see how it looked on him. That night I made up for it in kindness and gentleness under the comforter, I was too eager to make it up to him. I made him crazy, it was too much fun even if kissing a chastity cage was not fun for me. He had a hard-on like a madman, until he broke the plastic. Since he likes facessitting, I straddled his face and tweaked his nipples while he licked me. His chastity cage was moving by itself because he was so excited. He soon asked me to remove it, I refused despite my desire to make love, he brushed my pussy like never before and managed to make me cum.

The next day, I refused to let him remove it and went to the hairdresser. When I came back, there was a bouquet of flowers on the table that he had put !!!! And then, laughing, I told him that I would give it to him more often. He was all red so I had fun to excite him. The same evening, he took me to the cinema and invited me to the restaurant. This sudden outpouring of attention and kindness titillated me. When we returned, I still refused to remove his chastity cage as a game. He was a monster of gentleness and made me cum. Without wanting to reveal my intimacy, I am rather long to come and that does not work with all the blows, there that had functioned two evenings in continuation. And on Sunday, I thought I was dreaming! He had gone to buy croissants !!!!!!!

He hadn't done that for ten years, buying croissants and bringing me coffee in bed. He doesn't usually stay in bed, sleeping in is not his thing. There he went back to bed to cuddle me. My man was in love again, just like in the early days.

So that's how the chastity cage came into our life as a couple and stayed there.

If I say that the chastity cage made me perverse, it is because I rushed into it out of interest, I admit it. The fact that he was so attentive, available, kind and in love to the point of sending me "I love you's" by text message did not encourage me to put it in the closet of our sex toys. I found that the more I "martyred" him and the more perverse I was, the more he loved and pampered me.


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  • Twitter a été créé afin de proposer une solution professionnelle et sécurisée à la pratique de la CMC (Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée ). Notre rôle est déterminant dans la réussite d'une Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée même lorsqu'elle s'organise avec un autre partenaire. Le Coach-keyholder peut être au choix complice/confident/autoritaire/intransigeant... C'est ce qui fait la différence avec une chasteté gérée seul ou confiée à des tiers sans compétence. Nous utilisons des accessoires génitaux homologuées, auxquelles nous associons notre propre dispositif de verrouillage, de contrôle et de suivi.


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