Can you have an anal orgasm while wearing a penis cage?
When it comes to chastity, anal orgasms should always be something you consider. While a cock cage prevents any traditional penile orgasm, being able to have a little bit of butt fun and have just as much fun defeats the purpose of wearing a cage.
If you are able to have an orgasm entirely through anal stimulation, then you will have many more temptations to deal with. Or as a mistress, it gives you one more thing to watch out for to make sure your man does as you say.
When the temptation is too much, and he has just replaced normal orgasms with anal ones, it may even be worth looking into a full chastity belt rather than just a penis cage. They also cover the anus, so it's impossible for a man to enjoy any stimulation while wearing one!
Prostate Orgasms
Prostate orgasms are somewhat related to anal orgasms, as they are most often achieved through anal penetration by men.
The prostate is a gland located between a man's penis and bladder, and is often referred to as a man's "P-spot" or "G-spot." The gland is responsible for controlling the fluids that leave the body through the penis, but it's also one of the things you feel when you squeeze and spasm during orgasm.
While not terribly exciting when you think about its normal functions, the prostate can be an amazing sex gland when stimulated properly. Some men are able to reach orgasm entirely through prostate stimulation, without even touching their penis or even getting an erection!
The most common way to stimulate the prostate is to insert something into the anus, although you can also stimulate the perineum (the skin between the penis and the anus) which can also gently massage the prostate gland.
Of course, when wearing a cock cage, both of these areas are still available, so a man can theoretically reach his prostate while in the cage.
For many men, this won't really be a problem, as it's not easy to reach orgasm entirely through prostate stimulation, and many can't actually do it. Those who do often claim that it is one of the most powerful types of orgasms they can have. Once they find the right way to stimulate it, they are free to do it any way they want.
Again, if this temptation becomes too much for a chaste man, it may be worth looking into full chastity belts to prevent stimulation in any of these areas.
Interestingly, prostate stimulation or prostate milking can also prove to be a useful part of male chastity. Many men find this sensation incredibly intense and overwhelming, so Mistresses may use it as a kind of punishment, or simply to leave their man trembling from their delicate work.
What is a sissygasm?
Some people often equate sissygasm and anal orgasms with the same thing. There is, however, a key difference. While an anal orgasm can be achieved in a variety of ways, a sissygasm is achieved entirely through anal penetration with a strapon or dildo.
Most of the time, the term also refers to a man being penetrated by a woman. It is for her to make the man a sissy.
The idea of being a sissy is a specific group of people who like to change their behavior in a certain way while living their male chastity. They usually behave in a much less masculine manner and are extremely submissive to their masters.
A sissygasm is not physically different from an anal orgasm, as the same muscles and nerves are stimulated. However, the man's state of mind is different. Instead of simply enjoying the anal penetration, he submits completely to his master, and lets them do whatever they want with him.
Can you get a sissygasm while wearing a cock cage?
Since sissygasm is achieved entirely through anal stimulation, it is entirely possible to have one while wearing your cock cage.
In fact, some sissies consider it mandatory to wear their chastity cage when having a sissygasm. Staying in the cage means that their master is still in full control of their penis, so the only orgasms they will have will be from being penetrated anally!