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Male chastity how it works scientifically 1/3

Photo du rédacteur: PierrePierre

You may not have considered it, but have you ever thought about how your sex life affects your mood? By doing extensive research and reflecting on your own behavior, you may come to a conclusion and discover a relationship between sex and mood. Indeed, extensive research has led us to conclude that the relationship between a person's mood, sexual activity and orgasm is not considered the greatest of mysteries. In fact, there is a well-documented scientific basis for understanding the biochemical mechanisms that occur before, during and after sexual satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the relationship between the brain, sexual release and the science behind male chastity. This may help answer some of the questions you have about male chastity, or it may lead to a wave of research to explore male chastity in new and deeper ways. As mentioned elsewhere, reducing male chastity to denial of orgasms is simplistic and does not accurately reflect male chastity as a whole.

The brain is a complex organ, and we understand that it is driven by a number of variable neurotransmitters that we can hold responsible for changes in our mood throughout the day, and even throughout our lives. But only a few of these neurotransmitters are also involved in sexual activity; these three neurotransmitters are dopamine, prolactin and oxytocin. It can be said that men and women have distinctly different patterns and responses to these neurotransmitters and the underlying argument is that it is centered around our ability, need and desire to procreate as well as raise our offspring so that they too can survive long enough to procreate. Why do some people not feel this need or desire? This has to do with the fourth factor, which is the concentration of receptors for these neurotransmitters, and it has to do specifically with how the human body handles dopamine. Let's break down these three neurotransmitters and how they affect our bodies and our responses to sexual activity before moving on to the relationship with male chastity.

What is dopamine?

Dopamine is generally associated with the reward and pleasure centers of the brain. It can cause feelings of pleasure if we participate in certain activities, such as sexual activity, eating high-calorie foods, ingesting drugs or other behaviors such as shopping and gambling. Dopamine is often called the addiction hormone - it has been shown that people with low dopamine levels have a higher risk of developing addiction. Surprisingly, it is dopamine that is also partly responsible for Parkinson's disease, which means that people with dopamine deficiency can develop this disease. The intense pleasure we get from orgasms is the result of dopamine flooding our reward centers in our brain during sexual activity.

Normal/High Dopamine Levels:

Normal levels of dopamine can lead to motivation, contentment, the ability to enjoy completing tasks, optimism, kindness and good-natured feelings toward and bonding with others, and a healthy libido.

Low dopamine levels:

Low dopamine levels can lead to depression and an inability to function in the world due to a lack of ambition and motivation, it can also lead to an inability to feel certain emotions such as love, and often manifests as impaired judgment, lack of remorse, and social anxiety. Low dopamine levels also have a detrimental effect on libido.


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